
今天上午,@外交部发言人办公室 发布了昨日记者会的双语版,对“贻笑大方”一词是这样表述:make a fool of himself。 我们不妨回到当时的语境中,重温一下:“我也建议这位大使,在刷存在感...

Why shouldn’t they be proud? In the case of China, it has come a very long way, in a remarkably short amount of time。 为什么他们(海外华人华侨)不该感到骄傲呢?就中国而言,她...

“We are proud of the incredible courage our client has shown revealing her name for all the world to see, so that justice may be done,” Florin Roebig, P.A., one of the law firms representing Liu Jingyao, said in a statement on Tuesday...

自贸英语 鼓励探索知识产权证券化,完善知识产权信用担保机制。 Encourage explorations in securitization of inte’llectual property to improve the credit guarantee mechanism of intellectual property. 【资料来源:省委深改办(自贸办)、省旅游和文化广电体育厅...

更多内容请点击:“贻笑大方”用英语怎么说?外交部的官宣来了—— 推荐文章